1. Old and New Scholarly Perspectives
2. Albanian Material from Parry and Lord: New Directions
konka çua Kraleviçu Ma–rka 10
edhe Marku n’kôm-o çi o çu–a 10
me Sharanin n’shpid-o m’i kish ra–me 10
e n’shpid Sharanit Marku çi i ka shku–a 11
e n’Stamboll-o Marku kish pa shku–a 10
bash tu mbreti konka dal 7 (3,7)
bash tu mbreti konka dal 7 (3,7)
tri taborr i kan rrethua 8 (3,7)
tri taborr i kan rrethua 8 (3,7)
edhe Markun e kan ngujua 9 (3,8)
For Parry and Lord, the moment of transcribing a recited text, dictated line by line, becomes a relevant form of performance, even if it is not the usual one for singers. [18] In the case of the Albanian epics, the difference between sung and recited performance goes even further because, as we have seen, it entails a change in meter. This change raises new questions about Albanian epics, which are commonly thought to be characterized by a decasyllabic line. Although the most common Albanian folk verse is the octosyllabic line, in all the major collections, legendary epics mainly employ decasyllabic lines, and have been consequently defined in this way by the most authoritative scholars. [19] Moreover, the case of Ugljanin is particularly striking because this change occurs during a single performance. Performance emerges as a kind of Procrustean bed in which lines can be stretched or shortened with repetition and filler words as they are adapted to the structure created by the presence of melody or the rhythm of recitation. [20]
3. From Archival Discs to New Video Field Recordings
e po hiç s’jem kjenë po ti na ke dhan’ 11
eu hiç eu pa shybe po çaren na e ban 11
e tridhet’ agë-o po n’llanxhe janë dalë 12
e sa kanë marrë lafin e kan fol 11
e sa kanë marrë pijen e po pin’ 11
hiç s’jem kan’ e na ke dhan’ 7 (3, 7)
hiç pa çare çaren na’ ban 8 (3, 8)
ish çu Muja n’nate n’saba‘ 8 (3, 8)
avdes t’paç burri ki marr’ 8 (3, 7)
Zot i madhi kabull ja past’ ba 9 (3, 9)
Halil ag’s po i ban za 7 (3, 7)
çou Halil vlla me u shtërgu-a 8 (3, 7)
pse n’ llanxhe po duem me shkua 8 (2, 7)
hiç s’jem kan’ [..2”..] e na ke dhan’ [..5”..] 7
pa shybe çaren n’e ban [..7”..] 7
ish çu Muja n’nate n’saba’ [..9”..] 7
po pin kafe me sheqer [..8”..] 7
çou Halil, v’lla, i ki than’ [..8”] 7
dy en llanxhe tek janë dalë [..8”..] 7
bashk’ me ag’ llaf kan’ ba [..9”..] 6
ven’ e kuqe n’faqe u ka dal’ [..11”..] 8
sa raki-a n’llaf i ka hap’ [..10”..] 8
jan’ dredh’ shok’t Muj’s i kan’ than’ [..10”..] 7
hiç s’jem kjen Zoti na ka dhan’ 8 (3, 8)
ai pa shybe çaren na e ban’ 8 (3, 8)
m’ish çu Muja n’nate n’saba’ 8 (3, 8)
adet Mu-ja e ki pas’ 7 (3, 7)
pa le dielli sabain m’e fal 8 (3, 8)
i madhi Zot kabull ja baft’ 8 (4, 8)
n’ball’ t’oxhakut Muja m’ish dredh’ 8 (3, 8)
m’i ka shti ibrikat n’oxhak 8 (3, 8)
pike Muja kafe me shiqer 9 (3, 9)
po-i ki ra Mujs qef për bjeshk’ 8 (4, 8)