(2nd c. AD papyrus roll)
New Fragment

Source: Π¹ (verses lacking in Π², which has the beginning of fr. 58 in this place) 2 ε̣ὔχ̣ο̣μ̣[ Di Benedetto: ] ̣υχ̣ ̣ ̣[ Gronewald-Daniel 3 γε̣[ Di Benedetto: π̣α̣[ Gronewald-Daniel, West 4 γε̣[νοίμα]ν̣ Gronewald-Daniel, Di Benedetto:
πε ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣] West 5 κῆ μοιϲοπόλων ἔϲ]λ̣ο̣ν̣ Di Benedetto 6 ψῦχαι (or ϲκίαι)
κέ με θαυμά]ζ̣οιεν Di Benedetto comparing Horace Odes 2.13.25–30:
πάνται δέ με θαυμά]ζ̣οιεν already suggested by West 7 φαίην δὸϲ ἀοίδαν] Di Benedetto (ἀοίδαν already suggested by Gronewald-Daniel)
8 ἔμαιϲι φίλαιϲι(ν) Di Benedetto comparing Sappho fr. 160
Fr. 58
“Success” Poem

Source: Π² (verses lacking in Π¹, which has the “New Fragment” in this place)
The “Tithonus poem”

Sources: Π¹ Π² (Π¹ preserves earlier portions of lines; Π² preserves ends of lines) 1 ὔμμεϲ πεδὰ West: ὔμμεϲ τάδε Janko: γεραίρετε Di Benedetto: φέρω τάδε Gronewald-Daniel Μοίϲαν ἰοκόλ]πων so already Stiebitz on Π² 2 ϲπουδάϲδετε West: ϲπουδάζετε would have been expected in Π¹, cf. 7: χορεύϲατε Di Benedetto: λάβοιϲα πάλιν vel ἔλοιϲα πάλιν Gronewald-Daniel καὶ West: κὰτ F. Ferrari τὰ]ν West: τὰ]μ̣̣ Π², Gronewald-Daniel φιλάοιδον recognized by Maas in Π² 3 ἔμοι δ’ ἄπαλον πρίν] West ἔμοι Snell: κέκαρφ’ Gronewald-Daniel δ’ Di Benedetto: μὲν Snell ἄπαλον Gronewald-Daniel πρίν Di Benedetto: μοι Gronewald-Daniel π̣οτ̣’ [ἔ]ο̣ντα Gronewald-Daniel 4 ἐπέλλαβε, (perhaps too short) or κατέϲκεθε, λεῦκαι δ’ West: διώλεϲε Di Benedetto: ὄγμοιϲ(ιν) or ὄγμοι δ’ ἔνι Gronewald-Daniel λεῦκαι Hunt δ’ Lobel: τ’ Hunt ἐγ]ένοντο Hunt ἐκ Π²: ἐγ Π¹ 5 θ]ῦμο̣ϲ̣ Gronewald-Daniel 6 νεβρίοιϲι West: -ϲιν Π¹ Π² 7 τὰ 〈μὲν〉 West:〈ταῦ〉τα vel 〈ὂν δὲ〉 (i.e. ἀνὰ δὲ) Gronewald-Daniel: τὰ 〈νῦν〉 Janko ϲτεναχίζω Π¹: ϲτεναχίϲδω West: not preserved in Π² κεν Π²: κεμ Π¹
9 π̣[ο]τ̣α̣ Gronewald-Daniel 10 δ̣ ̣[ ̣]α̣ ̣ειϲαμ Π¹ (Π² not preserved here): φ̣ ̣ ̣α̣θ̣ειϲαν West: δ̣έ̣π̣α̣ϲ̣ εἰϲάμ- Gronewald-Daniel: λ̣α̣[λ]ά̣γ̣ειϲαμ Janko βάμεν’ articulation West: εἰϲαμβάμεν’ Gronewald-Daniel, although εἰϲομβάμεν’ would be required in the Aeolic dialect φέροιϲα[ν Stiebitz on Π² 11 ἔοντα̣ [κ]ά̣λ̣ο̣ν̣ or ἔοντ’ ἄ̣[π]αλον Gronewald-Daniel 12 π̣ό̣λ̣ι̣ο̣ν̣ or π̣ό̣λ̣ι̣ο̣γ̣ Gronewald-Daniel ἔχ̣[ο]ν̣τ̣’ Gronewald-Daniel
Continuation 1 (in non-Lesbian meter)

Source: Π¹ (verses lacking in Π², which has “Continuation 2” in this place)
5 ὀμνύω τὸ] Puglia (τὸ] already Gronewald-Daniel) 7–8 ψόγουϲ (e.g.) ἀναίτι|ο]ϲ̣ Puglia 8 θρ̣ή̣[νοιϲα μιμοῦμαι Puglia (μιμουμένα suggested by Gronewald-Daniel) 9–10 τὸν | ἑρ]πετὰ πάντα κ[ηλοῦντα or κ[ηλήϲαντα (ἀοιδᾶι) Puglia 13 πά̣ν̣[των πόνων ἐμῶν Ferrari and Puglia: πᾶ̣ν̣ [ or πά̣ν̣[τα Gronewald-Daniel
Continuation 2 (in Sapphic meter)
[Sappho fr. 58 (continued)]

Sources: 1–4 Π² (verses lacking in Π¹, which has “Continuation 1” in this place) 3–4 line-beginnings restored from the quotation of these verses by Athenaeus 687b (Clearchus fr. 41 Wehrli)
Fr. 59

Source: Π² (verses lacking in Π¹, Athenaeus)
Fr. 58
New Fragment

The “Tithonus poem”

my children, and the loud-voiced lyre so dear to song:
But me—my skin which once was soft is withered now
by age, my hair has turned to white which once was black,
my heart has been weighed down, my knees give no support
which once were nimble in the dance like little fawns.
How often I lament these things. But what to do?
No being that is human can escape old age.
For people used to think that Dawn with rosy arms
and loving murmurs took Tithonus fine and young
to reach the edges of the earth; yet still grey age
in time did seize him, though his consort cannot die.