Further Resources

The list of Further Resources on this page is broken down into the following sections.

Posidippus Papyri
Posidippus Translations
Hellenistic Poetry Bibliographies
Hellenistic Chronology
Hellenistic Literature
Popular Publications on Posidippus
Università degli Studi Milano
Conferences, Lectures, and Courses


Editio Princeps of the Pap. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309

LED Edizioni Universtarie Catalog Papiri dell’Università degli Studi di Milano – VIII, Posidippo di Pella. Epigrammi, (P. Mil.Vogl. 309)

PDF   of sample pages from the Editio Princeps from the Publishers

Editio Minor

LED Edizioni Universtarie Catalog, Posidippi Pellaei, Quae Supersunt Omnia,   Ediderunt C. Austin – G. Bastianini

PDF of sample pages from the Editio Minor from the Publishers

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Posidippus Papyri

Leuven Database of Ancient Books

Université de Liège – CEDOPAL

Die Geheimnisse Von Poseidippos’ Papyrus

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Posidippus Translations

N. Sarantakos’ translations of Posidippus in Modern Greek.

F. Nisetich on translating Posidippus

Mary R. Lefkowitz, provisional translations and notes, Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World

Ellen Papakyriakou-Anagnostou, Ancient Greek Cities

Colin Clement, Literary References

Translation by Edwin Arlington Robinson, 1915

Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935), Sonnets from Captain Craig (1902)

Edwin Arlington Robinson, Variations of Greek Themes

J.W. Mackail, Select Epigrams From The Greek Anthology

Paton, Alciato’s Book of Emblems, The Greek Anthology

Various translators, Anthologie 74: Anthologia Graeca (Poseidippos/ Asklepiades/   Nossis)

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Hellenistic Poetry Bibliographies

Ptolemaic Bibliography

Hellenistic Bibliography, M. Cuypers

Hellenistic Epigram Bibliography, M. Cuypers

Posidippus Bibliography, Universiteit Leiden

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Hellenistic Chronology

Guide per la maturitá

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Hellenistic Literature

Bibliography and information on Anyte of Tegea (in Dutch).

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Popular Publications on Posidippus

Michael Pfrommer on the role of the Ptolemaic queens. Documentary of the European quality channel ARTE.

National Geographic, “Rare Greek Scroll Found With Egyptian Mummy”

Archaeogate Papirologia

Poesia Journal

Biography of Posidippus

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Università degli Studi Milano


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Conferences, Lectures, and Courses

Manuel Baumbach’s lecture on the Oionoskopika at the University of Trier.

Andrew Stewart’s lecture on Posidippus’ Andriantopoiika at Princeton.

Lectures on Posidippus by Peter Bing and Diskin Clay at the 2004 meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South.

B. Acosta-Hughes’ course on Hellenistic Alexandria in Michigan

University of Cincinnati Conference, main conference page, November 2002

University of Cincinnati Conference, program and materials, November 2002

Columbia Conference, Ancient Alexandria: Between Greece and Egypt, October 2002

Portraiture at the American School

APA Posidippus Panel, January 2002

University of Illinois, Department of Classics newsletter, Matthew Dickie paper

Conference Florence

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Dorothy Thompson on Greek culture in Egypt in the Hellenistic period.

Ptolemaic Genealogy

Biography of Posidippus

A supplemental bibliographical item: Weber, G., “Traum und Alltag in hellenistischer Zeit,” Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte” ZRGG 50 (1998) 22-39.

Posidippus portrait, according to Dickie 1994, see Bibliography

Posidippus’ dedications on Delos

De Angelis, Violetta, “Posidippo di Pella. Un poeta ritrovato”

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