A. “Word for word” fidelity 1–13
1 Ibro, when you sing a song, is it always the same each time? Word for word, so to speak?
2 Ma, ja, ja, pjevam brte ono kako, pa je zgodnije ono znaš
2 Well, I, I, when I sing, you know, it’s like, well it goes better, you know,
3 kad čojek uz gusle pjeva ono ode, sve redom oni pjeva onako,
3 when you sing it to the gusle. Then everything goes fine the wayit should when you sing.
4 kad kaziva riječ po riječ muka je to, neku zaboravi, neku prebaci, neku tako.
4 But when you recite it word for word that’s hard. You forget something, you omit something, stuff like that.
5 A onako Kad pjeva uz gusle ono ide sve ono jedan za drugijem tako.
5 But when you sing to the gusle everything goes in order just right.
6 A znaš li ti šta je to kazat riječ za riječ kad pjevaš?
6 So do you know what it means to sing something “word for word”?
7 To je rećemo besjeda, ko benzir to je reć taman ko ja i ti sad se razgovaramo,
7 That’s like talking, like, well, to say, just like you and I are talking now.
8 ono pa govorimo eto tako i pjesma ono govorimo biva.
8 Well, we talk, and that’s what a song is, it’s like talking.
9 A nepreskočiš nikada ništa kad pjevaš jedan put i dva put jednu pjesmu?
9 And you never skip anything when you sing a song once, and then the same song again?
10 Pa jok.
10 Oh, no.
11 Nikad ništa?
11 Never ever?
12 Jok nesmije se preskocit. Ono što zna i što čuje ono mora onako pjevat
12 No, you musn’t skip [anything]. You have to sing it just the way you know it and hear it,
13 i ono mora gonit onako.
13 and you have to push it through like that.
B. Learning songs as a youth 14–31
14 Ibro.
15 Ja.
15 Yes?
16 Kad si bijo mlad koliko ti je puta trebalo da čuješ jednu pjesmu pa da je naučiš?
16 When you were young, how many times did you need to hear a song in order to learn it?
17 Baš kad sam mlad bijo mogo sam je odjednom primit,
17 Well when I was young, I could pick it up right away [= in one hearing],
18 a Bogami sad Nikola nemogu. Nemogu je primit Bogami
18 but by God Nikola, I can’t do that now. I can’t pick it up
19 i što primi zaboravi, ono iz glave odma izađi.
19 and what I do pick up I forget. It just goes right out of my head.
20 I veliš ti samo jedan put da je čuješ?
20 So you say you only had to hear it once?
21 Ja kad sam bijo mlad, nek bi je čuo od pjevača jednom
21 When I was young, all I had to do was hear it once from a singer,
22 odma bi je primijo. A sad Bogami nemogu.
22 and I picked it up immediately. But now by God I can’t.
23 Ma kako to Ibro?
23 Well, how is that, Ibro?
24 Ama eto tako.
24 Well, it just is.
25 Kako se može tako dugačka pjesma primit.
25 How can someone pick up such a long song?
26 More se primit ono sluša čojek ono i drago mu [4406] kako oni pjevač pjeva
26 It’s possible to do. It’s like you listen, and you like the way the singer sings it,
27 pa sluša i drago mu. Jer to kako iđe, taman ko škola i učenje.
27 and you listen and you like it. That’s how it goes, just like school and learning.
28 Samo mu kaži rećemo jednom onu zadaću i ono uvrti u glavu.
28 You just say once what the task is, and it goes straight into one’s head.
29 Jergo sad neiđe nikakav u školu nemore primit više
29 And if you never went to school, you can’t get it any more;
30 vet u đetinjstvu primi, i mora primiti tako pa ono mu ište srce znaš, pa da primi.
30 you [have to] learn it in childhood. And when your heart wants it, you know,
31 Pa ondak teža pretegni, teža pretegni, i ono zaboravi.
31 then you get it. But then it gets harder and harder, and you forget.
C. In search of variants 32–50
32 Look now, Ibro. You sang a song about Đerđelez Alija,
33 i jednu pjesmu o begu Ljuboviću.
33 and one about Beg Ljubović.
34 Ja.
34 Yeah.
35 I jednu pjesmu o Alagić Aliji.
35 And one about Alagić Alija.
36 Jes.
36 Yes.
37 A bili ti znao koju drugu pjesmu da ima naprimjer još jedna o Alagiću
37 So would you know of any other songs, for instance another one about Alagić
38 ili jedna još o Đerđelezu, ili još jedna ili dvije o Ljuboviću, bili znao ti?
38 or another one about Đerđelez, or one or two more about Ljubović? Would you know [some of these]?
39 Nebi, nebi Bogami Nikola.
39 No I wouldn’t, by God, Nikola. I wouldn’t.
40 Nebi znao?
40 You wouldn’t know [any more]?
41 Neznam brte Bogami, nema fajde jer ono čojeku što treba,
41 I don’t know any, by God. There’s no point. If what somebody wants is
42 i ono tačno, ja bi pjevo, rećemo i pjevo, a koju neznam Bogami
42 something I know well, then I’d sing it. But by God, if I didn’t know it
43 brate nebi, jeli? Sad ono kad je ono u redu znaš,
43 I wouldn’t sing it, would I? If you know it, then it all goes in order, but [if not]
44 pa prebaci onu otud, pa onu otud, pa nekud neiđe.
44 you mix this thing in here, and that thing in there, and it ends up not working.
45 A jesili ti čuo kada druge pjesme o njima da pjevaju?
45 Well, have you ever heard other [singers] sing some different songs about them?
46 Ko? Ja?
46 Who, me?
47 E.
47 You.
48 Jesam slušavo ove pjesme a ja drugije slušavo sam i druge pjesme
48 Yes, I’ve heard these songs, and I’ve heard others, other songs,
49 pa Bogami zaboravijo, ama slušavo ima nazad rećemo dvajest godin
49 but by God I’ve forgotten them. It was some twenty years ago that I heard them,
50 pa ono čojek zaboravi odma. Zaboravi.
50 and that’s the sort of thing you forget right off. You forget.
D. “Word for word” reprise 51–69
51 What does it mean to sing a song “word for word”?
52 Kako što znači?
52 What do you mean, what does it mean?
53 Kažeš, ja sam pjevo Bogami sve riječ za riječ,
53 When you say, “By God, I sang that song completely word for word,”
54 što je ono riječ za riječ?
54 what does that “word for word” mean?
55 Ono ti je ko ono rećemo što se zove besjede, rijeć,
55 That’s, you know, well, it’s like what they call speech, a word.
56 ono besjede rećemo, ono jeli taman ko što ja tebi sad kazivam,
56 It’s like speech, you know? It’s just like how I’m talking to you right now.
57 to je kaže to je riječ to je naš jezik, sve ono.
57 That’s, you know, that’s a word. It’s our language. A word, you know, it’s speech, all that.
58 Ali što je riječ? Što je riječ kažimi?
58 But what’s a word? Tell me what a word is.
59 Besjeda.
59 Speech.
60 Besjeda.
60 Speech?
61 Ja besjeda, to je reć to je reć riječ taman ko što ja tebi kažem sada,
61 Yes, speech. It’s like, like, a word is just like I [would] say to you now,
62 jeli to knjiga Nikola? Jeli to ibrik Nikola. E tako je to je reć.
62 “Is that a book, Nikola? Is that an ibrik [coffeepot], Nikola?” There, that’s how to say—how to say a word.
63 Što je recimo jedna riječ u pjesmi. Kažimi jednu riječ iz pjesme?
63 Well, then, what’s a word—a word in a song? Tell me a word, tell me, from a song.
64 Ovo ti je ovako rećemo to je reć riječ,
64 Here, then, let’s say, here’s [how you] say a word:
65 “Podranijo od Kladuše Mujo, na vrh tanke načinjene kule.”
65 “Mujo of Kladuša arose early atop his fine well-made tower.”
66 A to su stihovi.
66 But those are verses.
67 E Pa ja to je kod nas, to jes kod vas, a kod nas reče se to.
67 Ah—well, that’s how it is with us—I mean with you. Us, that’s how we say it.
68 Ahaha!
68 Aha!
69 Ja tako je to.
69 Yes, that’s how it is.
E. Pinning down “a word” 70–87
70 So for instance, when you say this “arose early,” what is that?
71 To je reć uranijo ili usto hoćeš, pa ono podranijo.
71 Well, that is to say “got up early,” or if you want, also “arose early.”
72 A što je ono?
72 And what is that?
73 Ja neznam što je ono vet ovo ti je ovako rećemo, šta je ono.
73 I don’t know what that is. It’s, you know, just the way we say it, that’s all.
74 Podranijo od Kladuše Mujo ili rećemo, to je reć podranijo,
74 “Mujo of Kladuša arose early,” or you could say maybe “arose early,
75 prije zore, ogranka sunca. To je reć podranijo, uranijo, podranijo, tako.
75 before dawn, at break of day.” You could say “arose early,” “got up early,” “arose early,” things like that.
76 A na primjer kada ti kažeš Ja sam Bašić, što je to?
76 And for instance, when you say “I am Bašić,” what is that?
77 Neznam Bogami.
77 God knows! I don’t.
78 Neznaš ti to?
78 You don’t know this?
79 Ja jok Bogami. Jer ja njesam školovan tako, pa ja sam Bašić, ja to,
79 No way, by God. I’m not schooled in such, I’m just Bašić, I, well—
80 jer treba tu čojek školovan pa da sve to istomači,
80 you need somebody with schooling to explain all that to you.
81 a ja neumijem to istomačit ono materinijem jezikom.
81 Me, I don’t know how to explain that, not in my mother tongue.
82 A jeli to riječ na primjer kazati sam?
82 So is it a word, for instance, to say “am”/“oneself” ?
83 Jes.
83 Yes.
84 Jes, to je riječ?
84 It is? That’s a word?
85 Ja, sam čojek, jes.
85 Yes, I—I, myself, a person. Yes.
86 Ali kako onda može biti ono riječ, Podranijo od Kladuše Mujo?
86 But then how can this “Mujo of Kladuša arose early” be a word [too]?
87 Ama ja neznam, tako je to reć, tako je to.
87 Well I don’t know, that’s just how you say it, that’s just how it is.
F. Return to song texts (88–)
88 O.K., my Ibro.
89 Ja.
89 Yeah.
90 A znaš li ti još štogod o Gazi Hrustanbegu?
90 So do you know some other piece about Gazi Hrustanbeg?